Saturday, October 11, 2008

Leopard Sharks

Snorkeling with the leopard sharks in La Jolla is something I have been wanting to try for awhile but hadn't gotten around to in the past 8 years. So this summer I decided it was time! I had my adventure snorkeling with the leopard sharks awhile ago but it has taken me a long time to get my pictures developed!! Sooooo....I went out with friends in August and we snorkeled with the leopard sharks off La Jolla shores (photo to the left). I wasn't exactly sure what to expect although I knew they were harmless.

Well, apparently the sharks have a season when they are in the San Diego area and we hit the tail end of the season. So when we got out into the water, we really had to search for the sharks!! The conditions weren't ideal....water was a little on the murky side (as you can see from the photos). The sharks are bottom feeders, so we had to stay in an area with water around 10 to 20 feet deep in order to be able to see the sharks. On top of that, the sharks are a little shy....which meant that in order for me to get any pictures, I had to dive down and chase the sharks!! LOL It was too funny! I probably saw a total of 20 sharks during the 2 hours we were out there. It was a great experience but I wish that there had been more to see! So I got kind of bored when I couldn't find anymore sharks and I will leave you with my very awkward self-portrait!!


Christine Slay said...

cool! I did that about 5 years ago with Stayce - it was really cool!!

Beth said...

Awesome!! I am so envious ... put that on our list OK??