Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bouquet Toss

The practice of the tossing the bridal bouquet is believed to be an outgrowth of an idea that was popular in the 14th century, particularly in early French tradition. It was considered lucky to get a fragment of the bride's clothing. In those days, the bride was treated poorly. Guests would grab at her wedding dress in order to tear off pieces. Although brides continued to believe that they would not be wearing their wedding gowns again, they objected to its wanton destruction. They looked for an alternative and, instead began the custom of throwing personal articles, such as the garter, to the guests.

I understand that this has been a tradition for a long time HOWEVER not all of us are overjoyed to be involved. Being 33 and still single, I am one of those that avoid this particular tradition at all costs!! At recent weddings of friends, I use this time to capture the moment with my camera so I couldn’t possibly participate! It usually works…. On the weekend after Thanksgiving I was in a wedding for a friend I have known since first grade….my friend Niki. I haven’t seen her much over the last several years because we now live in different states, but when I do see her and Stanley (her new husband), they are always trying to set me up with someone or give me advice on finding someone.

At her reception, she dragged me out to the front of the group of women for the bouquet toss. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she pointed me out to the DJ, so when she turned around and I slipped behind everyone, HE called me back to the front! Then when she went to toss it,

I ducked down to avoid catching it.

However, she had faked tossing it….. Instead she just turned around and threw it to me. My instinctual reaction was to get it away from me, so I brushed it to the side and right into the hands of her nineteen year old niece! Whew!! Catastrophe avoided!! Please remind me of this when I get married and I’m planning my reception….

1 comment:

kharris said...

Hilarious! I HATE that tradition at weddings. At my sisters wedding several years ago I remember it was me and an 8-year-old and a 10-year-old. Talk about humiliating. Hey, wait a minute....where were you that day?