Friday, October 17, 2008

Tag You're It!!

I have been tagged by my friend Beth and the rules for the game are posted above. You have now been invited to join in the game of tag on your blog! It's an interesting way to get to know your friends or at least your blog readers!!

7 Weird/random facts about me:

1. I am an avid reader and have been since my parents read me books at bedtime! I can easily spend half the day reading a great novel, if I had the time. I don't have time for that now BUT I do read every night before I go to bed. In fact, I can't really go to sleep without reading even a couple pages of a book first!

2. Many of my friends know that I love to cook but I love baking more! Ok, so they probably know that too! I definitely need to follow recipes when I cook or bake but I LOVE making substitutions or additions to see how I can improve the dish. I love making different dishes for other people - it's not as much fun when it's just for me!

3. I cannot stand make-up! I think it may have something to do with a boyfriend I had in college. He made the comment that many girls wear a lot of make-up to hide their flaws but if you end up going home with them and see them in the morning without make-up, how scary would their face be?? Also, the base I used to use made me break out and my dermatologist told me to stop wearing it. Ever since then I am just not into make-up. Most days I wear NONE! If I feel the need to dress up, I might put on mascara and eyeliner....maybe eye shadow if I really want to dress up. But that is it!! If I had to put a full "coat" of make-up on now I would feel like my face was suffocating!!

4. I am conflicted about moving out of San Diego. I have been missing four seasons for many years now and have never felt like San Diego is a place I'd want to settle down and have a family. But it seems the longer I am here, the harder it will be to move. I have many great friends here and they will definitely be hard to leave. It's an ongoing conflict....

5. I LOVE watching movies!! I watch the news every morning while getting ready for work and I definitely get my dose of reality through that and my work. Movies (and books) are a great way for me to escape! I am easy to please and enjoy almost every genre except horror. Mainstream action flick - yes! Romance - yes! British comedy - double yes! Disney movie - yes! Drama, comedy, action, independent, etc.....all good! :-)

6. I do not believe in organized religions. Before you get offended, realize that I am not trying to talk you out of your beliefs. I just feel like a lot of people use religion to guide them when they are lost and some people can lose themselves in their religion. This does not apply to everyone. The religious fanatics who are killing in the name of religion scare the hell out of me!! And I've met some people who seem to be just a few steps away from that level.... I do believe in a force that connects all living things on earth.....I'm a strong believer in nature and Mother Earth. I saw a fabulous bumper sticker the other day that I think really articulates my point of view well. It read: "Evolution is fact - God is just a theory" I LOVED IT!! We have plenty of evidence of evolution and yet God is just some story that some men created centuries ago to gain order within society (my opinion).

7. Ok, so this last one may be somewhat political (which I am normally not at all - and it gets a bit more serious than I normally am in my blog) but the upcoming election keeps showing commercials on TV about this and it bugs!! Gay marriage is just fine - leave it alone!! If two men or two women decide they are in love and want to spend their lives together - why do people feel the need to prevent it? Just leave them alone and let them get married!! It's not hurting anyone in any way. These commercials keep talking about how children are having to learn about gay marriages in school. Really?? So now you're afraid to teach your children tolerance? Huh....that is scary to me!

That last one was a doozy!! ;-)

Ok, the tags are supposed to be random but I don't know that many people with blogs!! So you are now tagged!! Christine, Tertia, Laura, Nathan, Debbie, Julie, and Jeanie. I hope you play!!


Beth said...

AMEN, women. Your last two struck a real chord with me. Thanks for saying it!

Laura Coursey said...

OK Jen, I can't really read all that you wrote and not have a comment. Let me preface that its great that we can agree to disagree and still have friendship. Those last two really struck a chord with me as well but not necessarily in a good way. I am not offended, but I do have a different opinion. Here it is:
Religion. First of all, there is a lot of evidence that evolution is not Fact... however, I do believe in it. I also am very religious. I believe that God is the greatest scientist that ever lived. And I do agree with you about how some religions have been twisted to terrible ends. But it is the people that do the twisting and not God. I believe in God, in Jesus Christ, and in his atonement. I also believe in the Holy Spirit and our own divine nature as women. I just am trying to say that I don't believe that evolution and faith have to be exclusive of one another. I would be happy to go further in depth on my beliefs in this, but don't want to be toooooo long on my comments.
OK The gay marriage thing. First of all, you should know that I believe that government should have nothing to do with any marriage. I do not believe it should be a legal proceeding but one of a deeper nature whatever your belief system. I also don't like that taxes have anything to do with it. But obviously that isn't going to change. However, I do believe that marriage is ordained by God between a man and a woman. I know there is a lot of talk about a lot of reasons to not allow gay marriage, etc... I believe every person has to choose for themselves their own lifestyle and if someone wants that lifestyle then yes of course they should be able to have hospital visits, etc etc. But, I do not like it when government crosses the line and is starting to preach a philosophy that is fundamentally religious. I just think that the governments influence in marriage in general has distorted the purpose of it.
So I said my part about that. I also love movies... watch them as often as I can. Love reading! And cooking! So even if we can't go to church together or perhaps would be on opposite sides of the street in a political rally, we can still have dinner and a movie:) Oh yeah... I think you should go for it and move. Life is short!
Love ya lots!